Rachel zoekt een Kamer in Enschede

Rachel zoekt: Een Kamer in Enschede

  • Kamer
  • Min. 20 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 18 Per direct

My name is Rachel Kuijer, and I will be attending The University of Twente for exchange this coming Winter semester! I am currently in my third year at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Both my parents are from the Netherlands; so I chose to do my exchange in Enschede to gain a better understanding of my parent's culture and background. I will need to rent an apartment during my time at Twente, because I am unable to get into residence due to my Dutch passport. I am very organized, hygienic, responsible, social, and have a lot of experience living with others!

I look forward to hearing back soon.

Thank you,

Rachel Kuijer

Algemene informatie: Rachel
  Vrouw, 21 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  3e jaars Anthropology (UNIVERSITEIT)
  Lid van University of Twente en University of Twente